There’s only one episode left of The Golden Bachelor! I’m devastated, because this season has truly been incredible to watch. Gary Turner was such an interesting lead, and it was cool to see people who truly seem to be there for the right reasons. Now that it’s nearly over, I’m thinking about who the first lead of The Golden Bachelorette will be.

To determine this, I’m relying both on the level of screen time each woman received, their personalities, styles, and what I think the producers of The Bachelor franchise look for in casting. That means it’s not necessarily who I want to be the lead! If it were up to me, there would be Golden Paradise and all of them would find love. I’d watch. That being said, let’s dive right into the debate. I broke them up into four categories, with no particular order within them.

The <1%

Some people just don’t really have a chance, unfortunately. If I don’t even remember them despite watching religiously and writing about the show here, it’s doubtful that the show does either. These unlucky women are, in no particular order:

  • Christina
  • Edith
  • Jeanie
  • Peggy
  • Marina
  • Pamela
  • Maria
  • Sylvia
  • Renee
  • Anna

I’d Be Shocked

This group of women got enough screen time that it wouldn’t be totally out of the question, but it definitely wouldn’t be what I’d expect. They’re all great and will surely make incredible Bachelorettes, but based on The Golden Bachelor edit, it doesn’t seem like they were made out to be our future hero.


April is so great, and I truly love to watch her both on my big screen and on TikTok. Unfortunately, if they’re going to go the funny, big personality route, there are a couple other women who are ahead of her in line.


The only massive part of Nancy’s personality that got edited into the show was her ASKN alliance. I don’t think she’s particularly memorable other than that; she seemed sweet, but that probably isn’t enough to get herself named Bachelorette.


I love Natascha. I think she’s incredibly charismatic and fun, and her job as an aging life coach makes her the perfect fit for the Golden Bachelorette. That being said, she has two things working against her when it comes to the Bachelor producer’s historic choice—she’s Black, and has short hair. I’d love if we could break the trend of refusing to cast Black or (ever so slightly) gender nonconforming women, but something tells me the first season is not going to be the time they’ll try it.


The only reason Patty, a first night elimination, made it to this category on the list is because she is Matt James’ mom. There’s a chance they want to redeem their first Black bachelor season which ended in scandal. Based on the fact that they sent her home so quickly I assume she wasn’t great in front of the camera, but still! Maybe they just didn’t give her a chance!

I Could See It

Most of these players are women that I think would make incredible Bachelorettes, but that I don’t think The Bachelor franchise would ever cast as a lead. Whether it be because of personality or aesthetic, casting has historically been discriminatory and I can’t see them changing that for the first ever Golden Bachelorette.


Theresa is still on the show, so there’s a chance she ends up with Gary. If she doesn’t, I think she has moderate odds of being the Bachelorette. She got a bit of a villain edit during the season because of her fight with Kathy, and I don’t think that necessarily endeared her to the audience. That being said, she’s clearly a very successful and charismatic person to have made it this far.


I love Sandra! She is one of my top choices for Golden Bachelorette, but like I said earlier I think the odds they cast a Black bachelorette as the first golden bachelorette is low. That is compounded by the fact that she’s funny and confident in her own personality, things that have historically put producers off during lead casting. They normally want someone they can control just a bit more.


Ellen is the biggest victim of the season, aside from Faith. She told Gary she was falling, and he said he felt the same and then immediately sent her home. However, she is older than the majority of the rest of the women, and she doesn’t dye her hair, which may not be the optics they are going for. That being said, she was a fun pickleball girlie, athletic and a sweetie, so I’d love to see her get another chance at love.


Kathy is absolutely hilarious, and the attempted villain edit that she was given ended up actually just giving her a bigger platform. She has so many fans, I just don’t think the producers of the show are one of them. She has a huge personality and I sincerely hope they create a Golden Paradise for her to go find love.

The Contenders

There’s 4 women who I think have a reasonable shot of being the first lead on The Golden Bachelorette. These women are all charismatic, beautiful, and fun to watch on screen. They also all have pros and cons. Most of these cons are not really cons. They’re just thing that would make historically racist/discriminatory casting directors and producers not want to cast them! That being said, I personally would be excited with any of the women below. In fact, give the all their own season!


Pros: Her “free spirit” personality makes her charismatic. Was massively hurt by Gary and so deserves a second chance.

Cons: Her “free spirit” personality could make her harder to cast for. She lives in the middle of nowhere and doesn’t want to leave. Didn’t seem to have gotten over the heartbreak of Gary at the Women Tell All.


Pros: Very likable. Charismatic. Willing to move for the right person. Confident and funny.

Cons: Jewish, which has historically been discriminated against when it comes to franchise leads. Is not a widow which may not be the vibe the show wants. Is probably going to end up with Gary making this a moot point.


Pros: Has a big personality. Everyone loves her. Had a solid friendship with Gary and proved she could “play the part” even if her romantic feelings aren’t attached.

Cons: She has a big personality and doesn’t take shit, which could make her harder to cast for. She has short hair.


Pros: On the younger side. Very easy to cast for. Looks like a “traditional” early days Bachelorette. Has a large social media following. Didn’t get to see how her full story would play out on The Golden Bachelor.

Cons: On the younger side. Casual viewers don’t know much about her or forgot she existed until the Women Tell All and even dedicated viewers don’t know as much about her as the other women.