Write Through the Night

Books, TV Shows, Movies, and Culture

About The Blog

Write Through the Night is a blog dedicated to all things books, tv shows, movies, and popular culture. Basically, if it’s something you have an interest in writing about, it has a place here. Feel free to pitch us with all of your hot takes, reviews, and listicles to transform WTTN into whatever you want it to become.

The History of WTTN

Write Through the Night, or WTTN for short, was originally created in January of 2016 by Jocelyn, a very bored high school student who read too many books and wanted to talk about them with other people.

In early 2019, they became so busy with college and their basketball career that they ended up announcing their blogging retirement. For the next two years, the blog stayed silent, waiting for someone to come along and bring it back to life.

That brings us to where we are currently. In early 2022, Jocelyn decided to restart the blog. She’d finally graduated college, and so she had time to dedicate towards making WTTN the best it could be. Rather than launching the same blog they had in 2019, they transformed it into a place to talk about a more wide range of interests, and put out a call for writers to join the team. Write Through the Night is now a place for writers to talk about all of their culture interests, from books and movies to politics and controversial subjects.

Want To Join?

WTTN is always accepting submissions for new writers. Head over and fill out this form to submit a pitch, or email us at writethroughthenight @ gmail . com (no spaces).

At this time, we are searching for one off pieces, new columns, regular contributors, and editors. Feel free to email me for more information.

Stay in Touch

You can follow us on Twitter at @wttn_blog or on Instagram at @writethroughthenight

You can also join our mailing list, where you can stay in touch and be the first to know about cool opportunities.

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  • Secret details and more access to our personal stories!

Help Keep Our Site Running

Write Through the Night is currently 100% volunteer run. I pay around $130 each year to host this site with my own domain on WordPress, and single handedly manage the site design, promote, and social media alongside writing over 20 posts per month.

The staff writers for WTTN are also writing for free right now! Your donation will help me to afford to keep this blog alive, as well as to pay the writers of the site. Net revenue will be split evenly among writers based on the number of articles written at the end of each year. Right now we are still in the red, and any contributions would be greatly appreciated!


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  • All Bookshop links contain affiliate codes. We will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you
  • We were given free copies of some of the books reviewed on this site. This will always be disclosed in the review, and our opinions remain unbiased
  • All TV and movie images are subject to their respective copyright owners